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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jobs Bill

So there is an idea among Democrats that in order to get a jobs bill we need it packed with projects from republican districts. In effect, get them to have to vote against new jobs in their own district or in fact vote FOR a jobs bill. I see the strategy in this, but any jobs bill needs to transform our country into the most cutting edge nation on the planet.

We cannot just fund pork projects from red states for jobs, but have a clear idea of what we want out country to look like once the projects are done. We need a vision people will believe in, not some Washington BS. I think we need a jobs bill that has carefully vetted projects that all follow an agreed upon maxim: will we be a more competitive country after the project is done.

Maybe the bill requires each congressional committee to come up with 1 national project, each region (South East, North East, Mid-West, South West & Texas, & North West & Mountain) of the country has the governors come up with 1 grand project each for each region. And each federal department comes up with 1 idea. Each idea gets an up or down vote. Each project has to focus on modernizing our society for the 21st century.

I think we also need a televised presentation from each committee or group submitting the ideas to the country. Not just to the congressional committee, but to the public, maybe even have a Q & A session with an audience made from a lottery system to get people involved.

Then 2 days after the forum, Congress would vote on the project. Once the vote was over the next project would be presented and so on and so forth. Each committee would be bi-partisan and each project would most likely not have pork if we conducted it this way.

Just an idea inspired - sort of - by the debt super committee, but more so by the idea that America has lost faith in our own government and that we need to rebuild confidence in it!

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